Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day of Sustainability in Dubuque Nov. 18

Center on Sustainable Communities (COSC) and RDG Planning & Design has scheduled a full day of sustainable building events in Dubuque on Wednesday, November 18. Please join us for any or all. Here's what's in store:

Wednesday, November 18 at the Julien Hotel Dubuque
9:00am-11:30am:  Green Roofs in an Urban Environment
In the past century Iowa has seen a large population shift from our rural communities to thriving cities. During this urban and suburban explosion, much of the landscape has been altered or changed dramatically. Green roofs, or vegetated roofs, are becoming an increasingly popular choice with a magnitude of sustainable benefits.
11:30am-12:30pm:  Networking Lunch
12:30-4:00pm:  Re-Purposing a Building-Morrill Hall
Iowa State University's Morrill Hall has been sustainable since it's completion in 1890. The course is a case study of the rehabilitation of a building on the national register of historic places. RDG Planning & Design examines the industry factors that lead to the abandonment of the facility, and design considerations in a successful rehabilitation resulting in a LEED certified project. 
4:00-5:00pm:  Tour
A tour of Dubuque's significant sustainable building projects, including the refurbished Durrant headquarters. 
5:00-7:00pm:  Evening Social Reception 

Registration required: Contact Leslie Berckes at COSC via or 515.707.2787.