Saturday, February 19, 2011

Member Book Review - "Harmony" by Prince Charles

Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World
A book review by COSC Member JoAn van Balen

The Prince Charles of Wales, with Tony Juniper and Ian Skelly, has written Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World. It is a timely read. In November 2010, NBC aired the book’s accompanying documentary by the same title. The program was a huge surprise to me – who knew that Prince Charles loved the land? I certainly didn’t. His love of polo had made the news, but his thirty-year study of Nature hadn’t crossed my radar.

The program pulled me in because here is a person who believes like I do. His story immediately inspired me to go buy the book to give to my grandson for his twenty-third birthday. Because it is an expensive book, I borrowed a copy from the West Des Moines Public Library and began to read.

It’s a big book, covering the long history humans have had with Nature. He leaves no stone unturned as he leads us on the journey of how early civilizations live harmoniously with Nature, honoring her as their touchstone when making decisions about architecture, farming, measuring time, village planning and their many other creative endeavors. It’s impressive Prince Charles has used his talents, resources and privilege, to bring us the message he considers of ultimate importance.

The book could well be used as a textbook. He is teaching the grammar of harmony, filling its pages with the message that, beginning in the 17th century, we began to destroy Nature rather than living in partnership with her. The age of convenience has led to the age of disconnection. We have followed the throng and danced without question to the Pied Piper’s tune.

“…the relationship we have developed with the Earth during our technological and industrial age is one-sided. It is not one of the equals, but based upon the master and slave model, and many see this as posing grave threats not only to the natural world, but to humanity as a whole.”

Harmony is a beautiful book with lovely photographs documenting the study with captions explaining the facts. A reader could look at the images, read all the captions and get the message. However, like me you will want to read the whole book. There is also a children’s edition.

Prince Charles believes we have arrived at the brink of potential disaster, and yet we still accelerate toward the edge.

“We will witness the comprehensive and disastrous destruction of both community and natural capital on a scale that is impossible to exaggerate.”

“…we urgently need to change our economy to live within our environmental budget.”

The author challenges us to embark upon a sustainability revolution and with some urgency. We are traveling on the wrong road and we need to wake up. We are measuring the wrong things and need to question the unbridled encouragement of consumerism. We are confused about equating money with wealth.

“Real wealth is good land, pristine forests, clean rivers, healthy animals, vibrant communities, nourishing food and human creativity.”

Shopping can no longer define who we are. We have been consuming our children’s and grand children’s prosperity.

We need to recognize that the earth is a single living organism and the source of all nourishment. It behooves us to have a profound spiritual reverence for her.

As a result of reading Harmony, I have written Governor Brandstad and Senator Harkin to propose that it be required reading for every public servant.

We are not separate from Nature.

Just like everything else – we are Nature.

JoAn van Balen
Des Moines, IA
License plate: ALLRONE

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